Model 14F__S Roller Conveyor Product Information
Our 14F__S model of roller conveyor let loads roll along a path from one place to another, reducing the effort it takes to move the loads. Roller conveyors such as the 14F__S Roller model are often used in warehousing, package handling, manufacturing, and distribution applications.
14F__S Roller Conveyor Construction:
Roller: Model S
Tube: 2-1/2"x11ga plain steel tubing
Roller Bearing: Commercial Light Oil
Axle: 11/16" Hex Plain Stl
Axle retention: Spring Retained
Frame: 14F: 4" x 1-1/2" x 7ga Painted Steel channel
Coupling: Butt Plate
Roller Capacity (lbs): 587 to 850
Frame Capacity (lbs/ft): 230 on 10' support centers, 1,050 on 5' centers
14F__S Roller Conveyor Configuration:
Roller Centers (in): 3, 4.5, 6
Between Frame (in): 7 to 51
Straights (ft): 5, 10
Curves (deg): 45, 90
Sleeve: none online