Model 10F_ _CG Roller Conveyor Product Information
The Model 10F_ _CG roller conveyor will convey light and medium loads. CG rollers may be compact but can carry medium loads, making them one of the most popular handling systems around.
10F__CG Roller Conveyor Construction:
Roller: Model CG
Tube: 1-3/8" O.D. x 16 ga. galvanized steel
Axle: 7/16" hex plain steel
Roller Bearing: ABEC 1 bearing
Axle retention: Spring retained Frame: 10F: 3-1/2" x 1-3/8" x 11 ga. painted steel channel
Coupling: Butt plate Roller Capacity (lbs): 205 to 677 (dependent upon BF)
Frame Capacity (lbs/ft): 120 on 10' support centers, 600 on 5' support centers
10F__CG Roller Conveyor Configuration:
Roller Centers (in): 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6
Between Frame (in): 7 to 36
Straights (ft): 5, 10
Curves (deg): 45, 90
Sleeve: none online